
Interaction in Virtual Worlds

Doerner, R., Geiger, C., Oppermann, L., Paelke, V., Beckhaus, S. (2022). In: Doerner, R., Broll, W., Grimm, P., Jung, B. (eds) Virtual and Augmented Reality (VR/AR). Springer, Cham.

  • Ethische, soziale und rechtliche Aspekte von VR/AR

    Steffi Beckhaus, Christian Geiger. In: Springer, Virtual und Augmented Reality (VR/AR) – Grundlagen und Methoden der Virtuellen und Augmentierten Realität, 2. erweiterte Ausgabe.

  • The Design Space of Dynamic Interactive VEs

    Kristopher J. Blom, Steffi Beckhaus Virtual Reality. 18(2) pgs:101-116 doi: 10.1007/s10055-013-0232-y File(s): Author/Submitted Version (pdf)

  • Book reviews

    Steffi Beckhaus for Gehirn & Geist und Spektrum der Wissenschaft, Spektrum Verlag Heidelberg

  • Virtual Travel Collisions: Response Method Influences Perceived Realism of Virtual Environments

    Kristopher J. Blom, Steffi Beckhaus Transactions on Applied Perception. 10(4) ACM. October, 2013. doi:10.1145/2536764.2536772

  • Between strain and relaxation: Using new technologies to support knowledge workers in their strive for balance

    Michaela Kauer, Steffi Beckhaus, Christina König, Ralph Bruder In Proc. of HCI International 2013 (to appear)

  • Floor-based Audio-Haptic Virtual Collision Responses

    Kristopher J. Blom, Matthias Haringer, Steffi Beckhaus Proceedings of Joint Virtual Reality Conference of ICAT – EGVE – EuroVR 2012, Madrid, Spain, 57-64. File(s): Author Version (pdf) Website(s): The definitive version is availabe at EG digital library

  • Collect and Map it all: The Artifact Map, a Tool for Complex Context Analysis

    Steffi Beckhaus, Senana Brugger, Katharina Wolter Proceedings of NordiCHI ’12, full paper, Copenhagen File(s): Paper (pdf)

  • Slow technology for well-being

    Steffi Beckhaus DIS 2012 Workshop Slow Technology, June 11-12, 2012, Newcastle, UK. File(s): Paper (pdf)

  • VR Technology and Well-Being: an Oxymoron?!

    Steffi Beckhaus DIS 2012 Workshop Designing Wellbeing, June 11-12, 2012, Newcastle, UK. File(s): Paper (pdf)

  • Adaptive generation of emotional impact using enhanced virtual environments

    Matthias Haringer, Steffi Beckhaus Presence: Teleoperators and Virtual Environments 21:1,MIT Press, 96-116 (2012)

  • How To NOT Hit A Virtual Wall – Aural Spatial Awareness for Collision Avoidance in Virtual Environments.

    Christian Afonso, Steffi Beckhaus Proceedings of Audio Mostly 2011 (in cooperation with ACM, SigCHI) File(s): Paper (pdf)

  • mi.begreifbar – (Medien)informatik begreifbar

    Steffi Beckhaus, Chris Geiger In Workshop Proceedings of Mensch & Computer 2011 Website(s): mi.begreifbar Workshop, M&C 2011 Chemnitz (url)

  • Stark im Team: Design Thinking und User-Centered Design

    Steffi Beckhaus In Workshop Proceedings of Mensch & Computer 2011, WS Design Thinking. File(s): Paper (pdf)

  • Modell und Bewertung der emotionalen Wirkung von interaktiven virtuellen Umgebungen

    Matthias Haringer, Steffi Beckhaus In Proceedings of Mensch & Computer 2011

  • Sozialitätssinn und Scheuklappen im Social Web – Erfahrungen aus einer SoundVision Konversation

    Axel Sylvester, Steffi Beckhaus, Tanja Döring, Torsten Juckel, Roland Schröder-Kroll felix aestheticus, Alsleben K., Eske A. (Hg.), edition kuecocokue, p.65-68, 2011

  • Intuitive Interaction: Tapping into body skills to find rich and intuitive interaction methods for Virtual Reality

    Steffi Beckhaus, Jens Kleesiek CHI 2011 Workshop on „Embodied Interaction“, p. 1-4, Vancouver 2011 File(s): Paper (pdf) Website(s): CHI WS Embodied Interaction Link

  • Collision Avoidance in Virtual Environments through Aural Spacial Awareness

    Christian Afonso, Steffi Beckhaus Proceedings of ACM SIG CHI EA’11, p. 1369-1374, Vancouver, 2011 File(s): Paper (pdf)

  • Ethnographisch, Praktisch, Gut!

    Senana Brugger, Katharina Wolter, Steffi Beckhaus In: Ethnoscripts, Jg. 13-1, pp 181-198 File(s): Paper (pdf)

  • Avatar ergo sum – reproducing the self-localization experiment with a full body Avatar.

    Beckhaus, S., Mannov, N., Brinkmann, H., Blom, K. Body Representation in Physical and Virtual Reality with Applications to Rehabilitation. Monte Veritá, Switzerland, 26 Sep – 1 Oct, 2010. Conference Abstract. In Frontiers in Neuroscience, 2010

  • Experiential Fidelity: Leveraging the Mind to Improve the VR Experience

    Steffi Beckhaus, Robert W. Lindeman In Book: „Virtual Realities“. Dagstuhl Seminar 2008. Eds. Coquillart, S; Brunnett, G; Welch, G. Springer Verlag. ISBN: 978-3-211-99177-0, 2010

  • [Virtual + 1] * Reality – Blending „virtual´´, and „normal´´ reality to enrich our experience

    Steffi Beckhaus In Book: „Virtual Realities“. Dagstuhl Seminar 2008. Eds. Coquillart, S; Brunnett, G; Welch, G. Springer Verlag. ISBN: 978-3-211-99177-0, 2010

  • Die Artefaktkarte

    Steffi Beckhaus, Senana Brugger, Katharina Wolter In J. Ziegler & A. Schmidt (Hrsg.): Mensch & Computer 2010 München: Oldenbourg Verlag, 2010, S. 341-350 File(s): Paper (pdf)

  • Sitzbasierte Steuerung von Desktopapplikationen und eine ergonomische Bewertung

    Brauer, J. and Beckhaus, S. Dokumentation des 56. Arbeitswissenschaftlichen Kongresses in Darmstadt, 24.03. bis 26.03.2010, GfA-Press, Dortmund. File(s): Paper (pdf)

  • Virtual Collision Notification

    Kristopher Blom, Steffi Beckhaus In Proceedings of the IEEE Symposium on 3D User Interfaces (3DUI) 2010. TechNote. Waltham, MA, USA. ppg. 35-38. March, 2010. Website(s): DOI

  • Dynamic Visual Effects for Virtual Environments

    Matthias Haringer and Steffi Beckhaus In Full Paper Proceedings of the Winter School of Computer Graphics (WSCG) 2010, Pilsen, Czech Republic, pp. 49-56. 2010.

  • Effect Based Scene Manipulation for Multimodal VR Systems

    Matthias Haringer and Steffi Beckhaus In Proceedings of the IEEE Virtual Reality Conference 2010, Waltham, MA, USA, pp. 43-46. March, 2010. Website(s): DOI

  • Medienkunst oder die Kunst die Medien zu erforschen

    Steffi Beckhaus it-Information Technology
    Jahrgang 51 (2009) Heft 6, S. 313-318
    Schwerpunktthema Medieninformatik, Boll (hrsg.), Verlag Oldenbourg, DOI 10.1524/itit.2009.0556 File(s): Paper (pdf) Website(s): IT TZeitschrift Oldenbourgh Verlag

  • Perceived Affordances: Why do people wear virtual cooking pots on their heads?

    Kirsten Albrecht, Kristopher J. Blom and Steffi Beckhaus In Proceedings of the International Conference on Presence (PRESENCE ’09), Los Angeles, 2009. File(s): Paper (pdf)

  • Crafting Memorable VR Experiences using Experiential Fidelity

    Robert W. Lindeman, Steffi Beckhaus In Proceedings of ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology (VRST) 09, Spencer (ed.), pp. 187-190, Japan, 2009 File(s): Paper (pdf)

  • Zwischen real und digital: Intuitive, reichhaltige und freudvolle Schnittstellen

    Beckhaus, S. in Book: „Virtuelle Welten als Basistechnologie für Kunst und Kultur?“, Bogen, Kuck, Schröter (Hrsg.), pp. 37-53, Reihe Medienumbrüche, Band 38, 2009, transcript Verlag, Bielefeld

  • Towards a Sensible Integration of Paper-Based Tangible User Interfaces into Creative Work Processes

    Tanja Döring, Steffi Beckhaus, Albrecht Schmidt Poster – Works In Progress, CHI 2009, Boston

  • SoundVision

    Steffi Beckhaus, Tanja Döring, Roland Schröder-Kroll In: Siebenundzwanzig Bremer Netzkunstaffairen, Alsleben und Antke Eske (Hg.), pp. 38-39, 93-95, ISBN 978-3-8370-6155-0, edition kuecocokue, Hamburg, 2008

  • Interaction Techniques for Dynamic Virtual Environments

    Roland Schröder-Kroll, Kristopher Blom, Steffi Beckhaus in Proceedings of the 5. Workshop „Virtuelle und Erweiterte Realität“ (VR/AR) der GI Fachgruppe VR/AR, Shaker Verlag. pp.57-68. 2008. File(s): Paper (PDF)

  • ACTIF: An Interactor Centric Interaction Framework

    Nicolai Hess, Jan D.S. Wischweh, Kirsten Albrecht, Kristopher J. Blom, Steffi Beckhaus In Proceedings of the ACM conference on Virtual Reality Software and Technology (VRST) 2008.ACM Press.2008.pp.39-42 File(s): Paper (PDF) Website(s): DOI link to definitive ACM work

  • SoundVision — Ton zu Bild und Bild zu Ton, eine vernetzte Konversation

    Steffi Beckhaus, Roland Schröder-Kroll, Tanja Döring, Thorsten Juckel Proceedings of WS for „Innovative Computerbasierte Musikinterfaces“, Mensch & Computer 2008, Lübeck, 2008. pp 120-123.

  • Bildmotive be-greifen – Die Verwendung von Bildkarten als Arbeitsmittel in kunsthistorischer Forschung und Lehre

    Tanja Döring, Steffi Beckhaus Proceedings of Workshop „Begreifbare Interaktion“, Mensch & Computer 2008, Lübeck, 2008. pp. 19-21.

  • On the Creation of Dynamic, Interactive Virtual Environments

    Blom, K., Beckhaus, S. In Proceedings of the IEEE VR 2008 workshop „SEARIS – Software Engineering and Architectures for Interactive Systems“. Shaker Verlag. 2008. pp. 57-60. File(s): Paper (PDF)

  • Framework for the measurement of affect in interactive experiences and games.

    Haringer M., Beckhaus S. Proceedings of CHI’08 Workshop „Evaluating UX in Games“, Florence, 2008

  • Measurement integration and calibration for affect estimation

    Haringer M., Beckhaus S. Proceedings of CHI’08 Workshop ‚Measuring Affect in HCI: Going Beyond the Individual‘, Florenz, 04/2008

  • Back to the sandbox – Playful Interaction with Granules Landscapes

    Beckhaus S., Schröder-Kroll R., Berghoff M. Proceedings of Tangible and Embedded Interaction (TEI)’08, p. 141-144, Bonn, 02/2008 File(s): Paper (pdf)

  • Supporting the Creation of Dynamic, Interactive Virtual Environments

    Blom K., Beckhaus S. Proceedings of the 2007 ACM symposium on Virtual reality software and technology (VRST 2007). ACM. North Beach, California. pages 51-54. File(s): Paper (PDF) Website(s): DOI link

  • ShadowGui – An Interactive Shadow Tutorial

    Kühl B., Blom K., Beckhaus S. Computer Graphics Educational Materials Source (CGEMS), 2007 Website(s): Publication website

  • ChairIO – the Chair-Based Interface

    Beckhaus S., Blom K., Haringer M. in book „Concepts and Technologies for Pervasive Games: A Reader for Pervasive Gaming Research vol. 1“,
    Ed: Magerkurth und Rötzler,
    Shaker Verlag, Nov. 2007
    pages 231-264
    ISBN:978-3-8322-6223-5 File(s): Bookchapter (pdf)

  • Teaching, Exploring, Learning – Developing Tutorials for In-Class Teaching and Self-Learning

    Beckhaus S., Blom K. Computer Graphics Forum, The International Journal of the Eurographics Association
    Ed.: David Duke and Roberto Scopigno.December 2007 – Vol. 26 Issue 4 pp.725-736.
    Print ISSN: 0167-7055. Blackwell Publishing.

  • ShaderSchool

    Thiesen M., Reimers U., , Blom K., Beckhaus S. Computer Graphics Educational Materials Source (CGEMS), 2007 Website(s): Publication website

  • Functional Reactive Virtual Reality

    Blom K., Beckhaus S. in Short Paper Proceedings of IPT-EGVE Symposium (2007), B. Fröhlich, R. Blach, and R. van Liere (Editors), Weimar, pg. 295-302 File(s): Paper (PDF)

  • Integrating Functional Reactive Programming in a High-Level VR Framework

    Blom K., Beckhaus S. Virtuelle und Erweiterte Realität, 4. Workshop der GI-Fachgruppe VR/AR“, M. E. Latoschik, B. Fröhlich (Editors), Weimar, pg. 189-196, ISBN 978-3-8322-6367-6 File(s): Paper (PDF)

  • The Card Box at Hand: Exploring the Potentials of a Paper-Based Tangible Interface for Education and Research in Art History

    Döring, T., Beckhaus, S. Proceedings of Tangible and Embedded Interaction (TEI) 2007, p. 87-90
    Baton Rouge, Louisiana, USA
    ACM ISBN 978-1-59593-619-6/07/02 File(s): Paper (PDF)

  • Generation of Shadows in Scene Graphs based VR

    Kühl, B., Blom, K., Beckhaus, S. The 15-th International Conference in Central Europe on Computer Graphics, Visualization and Computer Vision’2007 (WSCG‘ 2007)
    Plzen, Czech Republic
    Full Paper, pg. 295-302, ISBN 978-80-86943-98-5 File(s): Paper (PDF)

  • Rendering diffuse objects using particle systems inside voxelized surface geometry

    Juckel,T., Beckhaus, S. The 15-th International Conference in Central Europe on Computer Graphics, Visualization and Computer Vision’2007 (WSCG‘ 2007)
    Plzen, Czech Republic
    Full Paper, pg. 89-96, ISBN 978-80-86943-98-5 File(s): Paper (PDF)

  • Playful Computing – i-com Editorial

    Beckhaus S., Magerkurth, C., Niesenhaus, J. i-com, Zeitschrift für interaktive und kooperative Medien, ISSN 1618-162X, 3/2006

  • Using Neuromuscular Electrical Stimulation for Pseudo-Haptic Feedback

    Kruijff, E., Schmalstieg, D., Beckhaus, S. Proceedings of ACM VRST 2006, Cypris, 2006, p 316 – 319 File(s): Paper (PDF)

  • Collaborative Virtual Environments for Creative People – Journal Virtual Reality Editorial

    Schäfer, L., Beckhaus, S. Journal Virtual Reality , Springer London, ISSN 1359-4338,
    Special Issue, Volume 10, Number 2 / October, 2006 Website(s): Editorial

  • Benutzerindividuelle, tragbare Geruchsausgabe in Virtuellen Umgebungen

    Haselhoff S., Beckhaus S. Virtuelle und Erweiterte Realität, 3. Workshop der GI-Fachgruppe VR/AR“
    25. – 26. September 2006, Koblenz
    Shaker Verlag, p. 83-94. File(s): Paper (PDF)

  • Making large, encompassing projects with individual, well-identifiable components work in VR classes

    Blom K., Beckhaus S. Virtuelle und Erweiterte Realität, 3. Workshop der GI-Fachgruppe VR/AR
    25. – 26. September 2006, Koblenz
    Shaker Verlag, p. 37-48. File(s): Paper (PDF)

  • Teaching, Exploring, Learning – Developing Tutorials for In-Class Teaching and Self-Learning

    Beckhaus S., Blom K. Eurographics 2006, Education Paper,
    September 2006, Vienna, Austria,
    The Eurographics Association, p. 13-21 Website(s): Eurographics paper (PDF)

  • Seven Factors to Foster Creativity among University HCI Students

    Beckhaus S. HCI Educators Workshop 2006: HCIEd.2006-1 inventivity: Teaching theory, design and innovation in HCI,
    23- 24 März 2006, Limerick, Irland File(s): Paper (PDF)

  • Innovativ, Unkonventionell, Effektiv?! Möglichkeiten für neue Schnittstellen

    Beckhaus S. Mensch & Computer 2005: Kunst und Wissenschaft – Grenzüberschreitungen der interaktiven ART. C. Stary (Hrsg.),
    München: Oldenbourg Verlag. 2005, p. 43-47 File(s): Paper (PDF)

  • A new gaming device and interaction method for a First-Person-Shooter

    Beckhaus S., Blom K., Haringer M. Proceedings of the Computer Science and Magic 2005,
    GC Developer Science Track, Leipzig, 2005 File(s): Paper (PDF)

  • Intuitive, Hands-free Travel Interfaces for Virtual Environments

    Beckhaus S., Blom K., Haringer M. IEEE VR2005, Workshop „New directions in 3D User Interfaces „,
    March 2005, Bonn, Shaker Verlag, p. 57-60 File(s): Paper (PDF)

  • Emotional Storytelling

    Blom K., Beckhaus S. IEEE Virtual Reality 2005 Conference, Workshop „Virtuality Structure „,
    March 2005, Bonn: IEEE, p. 23-27 File(s): Paper (PDF)

  • Unconventional Human Computer Interaction

    Beckhaus S., Kruijff E. Siggraph 2004 Course, Los Angeles, USA, 2004 Website(s): Website 1

  • Towards Using the Full Human Potential in Games and Virtual Environments

    Beckhaus S. GI-Tagung, Workshop „Methoden und Werkzeuge zukünftiger Computerspiele“ September 2004, Ulm File(s): Paper (PDF)

  • Eyes in Motion I

    Beckhaus S. Siggraph 2004, Art Gallery, Electronic Art and Animation Cataloge, p. 10,
    August, 2004 Website(s): Gallery

  • alVRed – Methods and Tools for Storytelling in Virtual Environments

    S. Beckhaus, A. Lechner, S. Mostafawy, G. Trogemann, R. Wages Internationale Statustagung „Virtuelle und Erweiterte Realität“,
    Februar 2004,
    Leipzig, Germany Website(s): Paper (PDF)

  • Dynamic Potential Fields for Guided Exploration in Virtual Environments

    Beckhaus S. ISBN 3-8322-2366-5
    Fraunhofer Series in Information and Communication Technology 2003, 6
    Dezember 2003 Website(s): Book (Shaker Verlag)

  • Storytelling and Content presentation with Virtual and Augmented Environments in a museum context

    Beckhaus S., Bimber O., Ledermann, F. Cidoc 2003
    September 2003,
    St. Petersburg, Russia

  • Omnidirectional Stereo Surround for Panoramic Virtual Environments

    Simon A., Beckhaus S. Sketches & Applications of SIGGRAPH ’03,
    August 2003,
    San Diego, California

  • A pragmatic approach to augmented reality authoring

    Matthias Haringer, Holger Regenbrecht In proceedings of International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR), 2002, IEEE, 2002. Website(s): DOI

  • Dynamic Potential Fields for Guided Exploration in Virtual Environments

    Beckhaus S. Doctoral Dissertation,
    Otto-von-Guericke Universitaet Magdeburg,
    The Faculty of Computer Science,
    September 2002 Website(s): Abstract, Full dissertation (PDF)

  • Hardware-Based Voxelization for 3D Spatial Analysis

    Beckhaus S., Wind J., Strothotte T. Proceedings of CGIM ’02
    pp. 15-20, August 2002
    ACTA Press
    ISBN: 0-88986-348-2

  • Guided Exploration with Dynamic Potential Fields: The CubicalPath System

    Beckhaus S., Ritter F., Strothotte T. Computer Graphics Forum
    Vol. 20(4) Dec. 2001, pp. 201-210
    The Eurographics Association 2001
    Blackwell Publishers Website(s): pdf (

  • ExViz: A Virtual Exhibition Design Environment

    Eckel. G and Beckhaus S. Proceeding of the International Symposium on Virtual and Augmented Architecture (VAA ’01)
    Dublin, Springer Verlag,
    pp. 171-182, June 2001
    ISBN: 1852334568

  • Guided Exploration in Virtual Environments

    Beckhaus S., Eckel G., Strothotte T. Proceeding of Electronic Imaging 2001
    Vol. 4297, July 2001, pp. 426-435
    SPIE Press, Bellingham, WA
    ISBN: 0-8194-3975-4

  • Non-Graphical Application of Hardware-Accelerated Voxelization (Presentation)

    Beckhaus S., Wind J. Sketches & Applications of SIGGRAPH ’01,
    p. 237, August 2001,
    Los Angeles, California

  • CubicalPath – Dynamic Potential Fields for Guided Exploration in Virtual Environments

    Beckhaus S., Ritter F., Strothotte T. Pacific Graphics 2000 Proceedings
    eds: Brian A. Barsky, Yoshihisa Shinagawa, Wenping Wang
    IEEE Computer Society Los Alamitos, California
    pp.: 387 – 395
    ISBN: 0-7695-0869-3